// Integridad y Gestión de Activos

Expertos en la
Gestión de Integridad

We have more than 20 years of experience in mechanical integrity management for the oil and gas and energy industries, optimizing the maintenance of facilities and contributing to the reliability and safety of operations.
Años de Experiencia
K +
Km Gestionados
K +
Horas Hombre
// Servicios Tecna ICE para la gestión de activos

Nuestros Procesos en la Gestión de Integridad

We also have specialized technology and software processes and cathodic protection that allow us to offer more efficient, higher quality and more accurate services and solutions.

// Servicios y tecnología para empresas del mañana

Empecemos a transformar su empresa hoy!

// Expertos en Integridad Oil & Gas

Servicios Especializados
en la gestión de integridad

Our integrity process contributes to sustainability in integrated asset management, industrial safety, hygiene and environmental conservation. These are our specialized services:


Integridad de Instalaciones Marítimas y Offshore

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