SPC Cathodic Protection System
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Estándares Internacionales
TECNA I.C.E. implements and designs a cathodic protection system (SPC) for a wide variety of structures (On-shore and Off-shore) including pipeline systems, station facilities, storage tanks, vessels, docks, structures, among others.
Soluciones para la operación de proyectos On-shore, Plantas de Oil And Gas, Pozos Petroleros y Monitoreo de procesos de Infraestructura Crítica.

Comprometidos con la seguridad de sus trabajadores y con el desarrollo responsable de las actividades y operaciones de su compañía.
COTIZAR SERVICIOIngeniería Off-Shore

Suministro de materiales y equipos
TECNA ICE supplies the widest range of products for cathodic protection systems.
- Rectifiers and power supplies
- Remote monitoring units (RMUs)
- Inspection equipment
- Anodes for structure protection
- Interconnection boxes and test stations
- Insulation kits and monolithic gaskets

Instalación y puesta en marcha de un Sistema de Protección Cátodica
TECNA ICE is able to provide assemblies and installations of corrosion control systems for on-shore and off-shore structures, using specialized personnel in different engineering disciplines.
- Reliable operation for the preservation of the integrity of structures, people’s health and environmental conservation.
- Guaranteed materials of the highest quality.
- Compliance with national and international standards.
- Design, installation and inspection of cathodic protection systems for offshore pipelines, docks, production platforms, monobuoys, PLEMs and other offshore facilities.
- Supply and installation of products for the protection of piles, critical exposed elements in terminals and platforms by means of jackets, coatings and special materials.
Inspección y monitoreo de infraestructura SPC
We perform different types of inspections and/or indirect techniques to establish control and protection against external corrosion.
- Remote monitoring of protection potentials throughout the installation and at critical points.
- Inspection and calibration of rectifiers.
- Potential measurement and insulation inspection.
- Close Interval Potential Survey (CIPS) and DCVG and PCM-ACVG coatings.
- Survey of electrical resistivities and soil analysis.
- Maintenance and rehabilitation of cathodic protection systems
- Offshore CIPS (Close Interval Potential Survey) inspection of pipelines and submerged structures and coastal areas.
- Inspection of coatings in marine installations.

Estudios, Ingeniería y mitigación de Interferencias AC, DC y Telúricas
Tecna ICE offers solutions for interference mitigation of AC power transmission and distribution systems to increase personnel safety and ensure the integrity of transmission pipelines.
We have experience in studies, engineering, installation and inspection of cathodic protection interference mitigation systems, caused by telluric currents and other types of DC interference.
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